Picture of a lightning storm

Protect Your Drivers And Fleet During Storms

It is a fleet manager’s top priority to keep their drivers safe. That’s why implementing fleet management software with GPS tracking solutions allow for real-time data. Inclement weather can wreak havoc on fleets just as it can devastate people’s lives. Knowing where a driver is and how they can get to safety is important.

Did you know the 10-year average between 2005 and 2014 for weather-related car accidents was 1,258,978? The same statistic set shows that this average was 22 percent of all car accidents across the United States. When it comes to driver and fleet safety during storms like hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, wind, and more, it’s not to be taken lightly.

In this post, we’ll share five ways fleet managers can protect their drivers and fleet from storms. If you’re ready to take the next step and save your drivers, contact Skypatrol about their fleet management software today! In the meantime, read this post to learn more.

Five Tips To Keep Your Drivers Safe

As a fleet manager, your vehicles are valuable. However, if you don’t have drivers for those vehicles, you can’t manage and operate a fleet. With that being said, it’s vital to protect your drivers and keep them safe from storms. Here are five tips to do just that:

Tip #1 – Create A Storm Plan

Depending on where you’re located, a storm plan will vary. Nonetheless, it’s important to have a plan in place so your drivers can react according to the storm and remain safe until it passes. The worst outcome would be a fatality due to not knowing where to go, what to do, or how to react to inclement weather. Take care of your drivers. Protect them. Create a plan.

Tip #2 – Avoid Driving Through Water

You need to train your drivers to avoid driving through water at all costs. Whether they can make it or not, the reward is not worth the risk. 12 inches of water can float an average sedan. 24 inches can float a truck or a bus. Flooded roads should be avoided, and it’s your responsibility to coach your drivers to not press on if water is in the way.

Tip #3 – Move Vehicles Early

In most cases, an oncoming storm will be reported prior to its arrival. If you know a storm is coming, store your fleet vehicles somewhere safe, and have your drivers get to safety, too. Remain proactive with this, and your drivers will appreciate it.

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Tip #4 – Use Fleet Management Software

With fleet management software, you’re able to track and alert your drivers. This means that if a storm does surprise your fleet, you can warn them through your software much quicker than by phone. GPS tracking devices allow you to route your drivers around known flooded areas and give them better guidance on how to get to safety during severe storms.

Tip #5 – Keep Fuel Tanks Full

As a fleet manager, it’s your duty to make sure your fleet is ready for operation. This means vehicle maintenance and fuel. As the manager, keeping the fuel tanks full means your drivers are better able to use their vehicles on their routes. Furthermore, if inclement weather hits, a full fuel tank is better than an empty one, especially when attempting to get to safety.

GPS Tracking Devices Save Lives

At Skypatrol, we take driver safety seriously. Fleet management software allows fleet managers to better serve their drivers. They can optimized routes, reduce fuel costs, and guide drivers away from hazardous storms. Are you ready to discuss a GPS tracking solution for your fleet? Contact Skypatrol today!