

Due to the high rates of traffic-related deaths and injuries, road safety is a priority for all companies with a fleet of vehicles, regardless of the field or industry they operate in. A previous post highlights essential safety measures to teach fleet drivers, allowing them to perform their jobs efficiently and stay out of harm’s way. These include emphasizing the need to stay focused while driving, reminding drivers to take breaks and prevent fatigue, and training them on defensive driving to anticipate dangerous road conditions.

Additionally, fleet companies can equip their drivers with tools that enhance driving conditions and overall road safety. By utilizing the tools outlined below, fleet drivers can reduce the risk of accidents, injuries, and delivery delays — ultimately boosting productivity and a return on investment.


One of the biggest costs associated with fleet management is maintenance. According to a summary of the most popular maintenance solutions on the market, estimates an average of $35 per vehicle per month in costs, or around $5,000 per year for a fleet of 20 vehicles. These are basic maintenance costs, and breakdown and emergency repair will of course incur larger costs, or the increase of insurance premiums associated with making use of a policy. Having vehicles fit for purpose, that retain their maintenance assurance over a long time, is essential. Predictive maintenance, which uses a range of techniques to smartly preempt potential issues, is a way to vastly reduce overheads.


Have you ever considered adding a GPS tracker to your vehicle but need help figuring out where to start? With several options available, choosing the right one for your needs can be overwhelming. Thus, this article will highlight several tips on choosing the correct GPS tracker for your vehicle.

GPS trackers are becoming increasingly popular for personal and commercial vehicles alike. They provide added security by allowing you to pinpoint your vehicle's location in real-time, track mileage, and monitor driver behavior.

How to Protect Your Vehicles & Cargo With Our Products BlitzFeatured Image.jpg

In today's world, there are a lot of risks that come with managing your fleet. In this blog post, we will discuss how to protect your vehicles and cargo by incorporating GPS tracking solutions into your fleet management systems. By using Skypatrol products and services, you can monitor the location of all vehicles in real time and have easy access to important data such as vehicle speed or driver behavior. You'll be able to identify any accidents or other events so you can take appropriate action before it becomes a problem.

A line of white commercial fleet vehicles

Do you own a fleet of commercial vehicles? If so, fleet management is an important part of your business. It's more than just tracking the location and status of your fleet; it also includes making sure that they are safe and secure for everyone driving them. This post will review some of the best hardware available to help you manage all aspects of your fleet!

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Looking to optimize your fleet and make it run as efficiently and smoothly as possible? GPS tracking from Skypatrol, the top-rated fleet tracking company around the world, may just be the perfect option for you. Our GPS vehicle tracking solutions can provide you with a number of benefits that can help your business grow and thrive. Keep scrolling to see the top ways GPS tracking can help optimize your fleet and your business as a whole.

Protek GPS Logo

For any car dealership, your fleet of vehicles are your babies. Your entire business revolves around them, their quality, and their reliability, and while you have to eventually let them go into the big wide world, the more you can manage, advertise, and sell them properly, the more likely your business is to benefit. But as important as your fleet of vehicles are, the other large part of your dealership’s success depends on the experience of the customer. Buying a car is always a bit of a stressful time for the buyers, and for many, the process is one of hesitancy and nitpicking until they find the car they want, and understandably so, as it’s a massive investment for their present and future.

Picture of Semi Trucks

The U.S. to this day has one of the highest rates of traffic-related deaths per 1 million people. Just as concerning is the fact that there has been at least 1 traffic fatality per 100 million annual vehicle miles traveled (VMT) every year since 2015, including some 1.13 traffic casualties per 100 million VMT in 2018 (when approximately 12 million vehicles were involved in a crash). In light of these figures, it goes without saying that companies with a fleet of vehicles must put a premium on safety, especially with so many unknown variables and uncontrollable circumstances on the road. And the way to do that is by teaching drivers some essential safety measures when on the road. You can start with the following:

a fleet of white vans

Losing track of certain items is a natural part of life we all experience at one point or another. We might drop our phone in the cracks of a couch, or forget our keys as we close our door, or even just forget where we just set down the TV remote. It’s a natural part of our imperfect humanity, albeit a frustrating one at times, to lose track of certain items that we rely on. Sometimes, it’s not a very big deal; you either find the item pretty quickly after you lost it, or you don’t and the item wasn’t very important or irreplaceable in the first place. But sometimes, it is a big deal. Sometimes, it can be an extremely important item that we have lost or misplaced, one that is high in either monetary value or personal value, and no matter how hard we search or trace back our steps, we simply cannot find it. Sometimes, in our desperation and delusion, we just hope that the item will magically reappear for us, or we think that if only there was some way we could be notified of its exact location. But it almost never happens.


The modern technological era has brought with it a widespread usage of GPS technology and a widespread implementation of that technology. We are finding newer and better ways to apply the incredible inventions and technological innovations to our businesses, our infrastructure, and our daily lifestyles. The innovations of GPS technology is just one example of this; from the first satellite launched in 1978 that supported GPS usage, we have implemented this technology in just about every industry possible, using our ability to locate the exact position of someone or something to do just about anything, from guiding with directions to keeping secure tabs on valuable things.

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As an essential business that continues to operate even in the face of a global health crisis, fleet management services and businesses need to keep up with industry trends. This will not only ensure that your workers stay safe and protected, but also enable your business to become more efficient and competitive. To ensure that your fleet management service continues to thrive, here are five trends in fleet management software that you should start familiarizing yourself with:

Picture of a truck fleet

As a fleet manager, you want to ensure your fleet runs smoothly, arrives on time, and contributes to the growth of your company. Fleet managers need to be able to monitor drivers to limit wasted fuel, deter improper use of company vehicles, and enforce company speed limits. GPS vehicle tracking is an ideal solution to accomplish these tasks and improve your drivers’ behavior.

Woman using a phone

Sometimes you’ve got people you need to track. GPS Asset trackers are easy to use, wireless tracking systems that will help you keep tabs on the people you care about.

At Skypatrol, we offer a couple of different wireless GPS asset tracking systems. Both of our trackers have the ability to be tracked from computers and mobile devices. FInd out how our GPS asset trackers can add ease into your life by making sure your loved ones are safe and where they’re supposed to be.

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Today’s world is driven by information. With every individual logging into various social media sites, massive amounts of data are generated every day. The sheer size of big data makes it impossible to make sense of it using traditional computing systems in a short period of time. Fortunately, AI models and algorithms are able to transform huge blocks of raw data into digestible chunks of crucial insights and information. As people rely on the internet more and more, businesses can turn to big data to gain access to information that can help propel their business.

Using a credit card at a gas pump

Fleet managers are always looking for ways to save money on their bottom line. While there are many methods, from maximizing warranties to preventative tire maintenance, there is one method that is often overlooked: saving on fuel. Fleet-based companies inherently use a lot of fuel, it’s just the nature of the job; but there are many ways that managers and drivers can save money with regards to fuel.

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Even though porch pirates are out snagging boxes on people’s porches regardless of the time of year, their best season is when people are doing most of their shopping — the holidays. Online shopping has been a popular option for years, but thieves are just recently starting to pick up on the idea that they can go from porch to porch picking up packages that were delivered while the homeowner was not at home.

Person using a white board

With new technology coming out nearly every day, it’s important for fleet managers to stay up to date on everything that is going on. Vehicles are becoming more and more efficient and GPS is becoming more accurate and easier to implement. With new capabilities, fleet-based companies need to ensure that they are aware of how and when to use new technology, and understand how it can benefit their organization, from cost savings to increased performance.

GPS on a phone in a car

For fleet-based companies, the satisfaction of clients is a priority. This makes monitoring deliveries and knowing where your delivery drivers are located essential. When a client calls and asks when their order is going to be delivered, you want to be able to give them an accurate time, not just a guestimation. And with GPS tracking solutions from Skypatrol, you can do just that. And to make GPS tracking even more beneficial, technology has recently introduced geofencing.

Person using GPS on a phone

The team at Skypatrol understands that there are no shortage of options when it comes to choosing GPS tracking solutions, devices, and software. We know that there are a lot of companies out there who do it very well, so why should you choose us?

Person driving a car

New technology can be intimidating, given the upfront cost, having to familiarize yourself with how it works, and the time it takes to really reap all of the benefits. But with the right technology, the benefits far outweigh the time and cost it takes to integrate the tool into your daily work schedule. With GPS tracking devices and software from Skypatrol, we make the process as easy as possible and we have a team of support staff who are there to help you with any issue that may arise and so that you can start seeing real results faster.

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If you’re not familiar with the prison system or if you don’t know anyone who is in prison or jail, you may not think about what it’s costing you, the taxpayer. But according to a study (completed by Vera, with the help of the Pew Center) that surveyed 40 states, taxpayers spent in 2010 a combined $38,903,304,000 on state prisons. Where is this money going and how can GPS tracking devices help?

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One of the biggest reasons that companies are unsure about implementing GPS tracking devices within their organization is the fact that the hardware is violating the driver’s privacy. There are also many other misconceptions out there regarding these devices, but Skypatrol wants all of our customers to know the real motivation behind implementing these products – to provide meaningful data that can be used to save money, reduce the number of accidents, and improve employee’s performance. Learn what the biggest misconceptions are and contact our team today to learn more about our GPS hardware and software.

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With GPS tracking devices and hardware from Skypatrol, companies and fleet managers are able to monitor and track their driver’s behavior. We have written several blogs discussing the benefits of these capabilities, including cost savings, increased performance, and fewer liabilities. However, if you’re the owner of a fleet of vehicles and manage the drivers of those vehicles, how do you actually implement safer driving skills and behaviors? How do you teach someone who has probably been driving for most of their lives to driver better? Business owners and managers are most likely very good at what they do on a daily basis, but teaching necessary driving skills may not be in their playbook.

Here are some steps you can take to actually improve your driver’s behavior. If you have any questions about our GPS hardware and other devices, contact our team today. We’re more than happy to answer any questions and we also offer a range of support to ensure you get the most out of our products.

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Any business with a fleet of vehicles (delivery services, trucking companies, or rental companies) that needs to be managed, should know the benefits of GPS tracking solutions. If you own or manage a business in an industry that has a fleet of vehicles, and you haven’t worked with a GPS company in order to track, manage, and collect data about the vehicles and drivers, isn’t it finally time to give it a shot?

In this blog, we’re going to focus on the benefits of GPS tracking solutions for the rental company industry. The team at Skypatrol wants to help you improve your bottom line, have more control over your fleet, and provide you with essential data that you can use to make decisions that will positively affect your business. Want to learn more? Keep reading to learn the benefits of using GPS to monitor your fleet.

picture of a road at night

As a fleet manager, you probably dream of the day fuel efficiency and vehicle maintenance takes care of itself. At Skypatrol, we understand. Your day is most likely closer to vehicle maintenance lagging behind because everyone assumes someone else will take care of it. Unfortunately, you’re not the only one struggling with this part of fleet operations. There are fleet managers across the nation that forget, ignore, or don’t know the importance of routine vehicle maintenance. It doesn’t make sense to take a vehicle off the road for an oil change when it could be on the road making money. It’s a common misconception that running a vehicle until it dies is the best way to do things; however, we have a solution to that belief.

In this post, we will share five ways GPS Tracking Devices will improve vehicle maintenance planning. If you’re ready to take advantage of the best fleet management software in the industry, contact Skypatrol today. Otherwise, continue reading to learn more.

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It is a fleet manager’s top priority to keep their drivers safe. That’s why implementing fleet management software with GPS tracking solutions allow for real-time data. Inclement weather can wreak havoc on fleets just as it can devastate people’s lives. Knowing where a driver is and how they can get to safety is important.

Did you know the 10-year average between 2005 and 2014 for weather-related car accidents was 1,258,978? The same statistic set shows that this average was 22 percent of all car accidents across the United States. When it comes to driver and fleet safety during storms like hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, wind, and more, it’s not to be taken lightly.

In this post, we’ll share five ways fleet managers can protect their drivers and fleet from storms. If you’re ready to take the next step and save your drivers, contact Skypatrol about their fleet management software today! In the meantime, read this post to learn more.

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A big new partnership is poised to lock truck drivers in Latin America into a mobile payments network secured with biometric authentication.

Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash

Ipsidy, the provider of a recently launched mobile facial recognition app, has teamed up with Skypatrol, the provider of a GPS-based truck fleet management solution that supports over a million vehicles across Latin America and the Caribbean. The companies have announced a joint solution called SkyGuru, a mobile wallet platform for truck drivers that will also enroll the cooperation of Skypatrol’s gas station and merchant partners.

Truck drivers will be able to make payments using virtual cards, to which employers can add value remotely, while merchants can use Ipsidy’s mobile POS solution; and the drivers’ identities can be authenticated using facial recognition technology. Skypatrol’s GPS technology, meanwhile, can direct drivers to participating merchants while they’re on the road.

As the companies explained in a statement announcing their solution, “The system is...

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Skypatrol announced today the SP8824, the latest and most advanced personal tracking device using LTE CAT M-1 technology. Skypatrol has selected to operate the SP8824 in the US on the Verizon network. The personal tracking device is designed for private investigators, police surveillance, lone worker protection, vehicle, pet, and asset tracking applications. The device includes a thumb-sized button with vibration feedback allowing confirmed emergency alerts or instant geo-fence settings. This personal tracker has an internal 3-axis accelerometer for power saving and motion detection. This technology provides low power consumption with long standby time so the battery can last longer.

Two people using phones

If you’re a fleet manager, then you know what it’s like to deal with a less than model driver. They won’t follow instructions. Every stop light is an opportunity to check their phone. Their pickup and deliveries are never on time. You’re not alone! At Skypatrol, we work with fleet managers all over the nation with the same frustrations. In most cases, introducing them to fleet management software and a GPS tracking solution resolves their bad driver problems quickly.

In this post, we’ll be sharing 15 tips to drastically improve your drivers’ behaviors. If you’re ready to enhance your fleet’s ability to deliver or pickup on time; reduce fuel cost and improve fuel efficiency; and keep better records on maintenance, contact Skypatrol today. In the meantime, read this post to learn more!

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Do you manage small to medium fleet? Have you grown weary of the fluctuating fuel costs from month to month? At Skypatrol, we understand. It can be tough to solidify expenses so you can work on saving money and growing your fleet. What’s more, the fluctuation in cost makes it seem like fuel is a variable you can’t pin down. But what if there was a secret to stabilizing fuel costs for your fleet? At Skypatrol, we’ve discovered the secret, and we want to share it with you.

In this post, we’ll share the secret to reducing fleet fuel costs, and the five ways you can improve fuel efficiency. If you don’t want to wait, contact Skypatrol today! We offer fleet management software that allows you to make data-based decisions. In the meantime, read on to learn more.

Man driving a truck

As someone who works in an industry where employees rely on a fleet of vehicles to deliver goods, make sales calls, or bring people from location to location, you have probably heard about the benefits of GPS tracking. But for one reason or another, you have yet to implement the system in your own company. We understand that your employees may have a negative reaction to their vehicle being tracked, or that it’s a new system that costs money to get started and time to get used to, but it’s time to give GPS tracking solutions a real shot! And here’s why:

Picture of a police car

There’s no doubt that companies across all industries seek out different methods to save money and improve the performance of their employees. Different business will all have various strategies, but if you’re in an industry that involves a fleet of vehicles, there’s one strategy that you should consider — GPS tracking solutions. If you work in one of the following fields, it’s important to be able to keep track of each of your vehicles, as well as the performance of the driver.

At Skypatrol, our GPS hardware will allow you to monitor and track your fleet. With the data that is gathered, you will be able to make informed decisions regarding your employee’s performance and look for ways to improve. So what are the most common industries that are taking advantage of our GPS tracking solutions?

image of a dash mounted GPS device

Living in the modern world that we do, GPS tracking is becoming more and more common, and not just for your smartphone or getting directions to a restaurant in your car. There are a variety of beneficial ways in which we can use GPS tracking hardware and software to protect our belongings, feel safe while driving, and more.

At Skypatrol, we are a leader in developing GPS tracking devices that are easy to install, offer a range of features and benefits, and make it easy and effective to monitor, track, and protect your fleet. When delivery drivers, your sales team, or taxi drivers aren’t doing their job, or if they are regularly getting into accidents, GPS tracking can be a simple way of ensuring that they are working as they should and that they and the cars are safe. But fleet tracking isn’t the only thing you can do with GPS tracking devices. Learn more from the experts at Skypatrol and call us today with any questions.

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Sky Patrol wants to make it easier to track, monitor, and protect your fleet, but what does that mean? What can our software do? How does it work? How is the data collected? If you have dozens of questions running through your mind, we want to provide straightforward answers so that you can start to better manage your fleet as soon as possible.

picture of a phone and a map with GPS

You’ve probably seen the movies where a spy sneakily sticks on a pack of cards sized piece of hardware to the bottom of a car, or in the inside of a trunk, and the car drives away, leaving the spy able to track exactly where the car is. But then there are other movies where there is a quarter sized piece of hardware that does the same thing. So what is the difference between these pieces of equipment and the many other types of GPS devices? All of these GPS tracking solutions are effective, but which ones are better for your needs?

image of a fleet of vans

If you are responsible for managing a commercial fleet, you know about all the challenges related to managing mobile assets. The following are some factors you should consider in searching for ways to improve your visibility into providing better customer service and protecting your drivers and assets.

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How often do you pull out your phone, open up your favorite maps app, and look up directions to your friend’s house, the mall, or maybe even more often, find out where you are in the first place? Even though not so long ago, we had to rely on actual paper maps to navigate us to where we want to go, it’s as easy as a couple taps on our phone and we’re on our way. GPS tracking solutions have come a long way, even being able to help us locate where a package is or help us navigate our way to a local restaurant. But what is actually happening when you open the maps app and the small arrow pops up, showing where you are? How does it know exactly where you are? And even which direction you’re facing? Well, let’s find out.

image of a fleet of vans

Fuel is the second-largest expense (next to depreciation) for fleet businesses — and it’s the most unpredictable expense as well. With market prices for fuel ebbing and flowing, fleet vehicles aging, and fleet drivers taking unexpected trips to McDonald’s or the mall, it’s hard to project what your fleet-wide fuel expense is going to be year over year.

When it comes to fleet fuel expenses, you can only control what you can control. In this blog, Skypatrol will show you how taking control of driver behavior and using top-tier fleet management software can help your fleet save money on fuel.

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If you’re a fleet manager, depreciation of fleet vehicles is always on your mind. Before you know it, your new fleet vehicles will be aging and depreciating by the mile, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Vehicle depreciation, alongside fuel expenses, will always be the two primary expenses of fleet businesses — but with the right mindset, proper management strategies, and a little help from top-of-the-line fleet management software, you’ll be able to minimize the impact of depreciation and maximize your profits throughout the year. Take a look at a few tips for how to best handle depreciation within your fleet business:

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Predictive analytics, or the use of raw data and statistics to predict future outcomes, has become a hot commodity in the world of sports over the past decade. Starting with moneyballers like Billy Bean and the Oakland A’s, GMs and sports statisticians have been able to gain a better understanding of what has happened statistically in the past, and what is most likely to happen in the future, to make decisions that increase the likelihood of winning games and have statistically strong individual and team performances.

Today, this same strategy has been used for different purposes in the world of fleet management. By understanding how vehicles and drivers perform in the past, fleet businesses can leverage that data and make data-driven decisions that often increase fleet efficiency.

But how does this work? What are the benefits of predictive analytics in the fleet industry? In this blog, the fleet management software specialists at Skypatrol will discuss the applications and benefits of predictive analytics for small and medium-sized fleet businesses.

image of a city highway at night

If futuristic films like Blade Runner 2049 taught us anything in 2017, it’s that thinking about the future—especially in the world of technology—is exhilarating. While some folks have a fear of the unknown, others obsess over the limitless possibilities that future technologies can bring—and for the fleet management software professionals at Skypatrol, that means we’re obsessing over the possibilities of fleet management tools and GPS tracking solutions for fleet industries.

What’s in store for fleet management technology in 2049, or even in the next decade or so? In this blog, we’ll take a look at where fleet tech is going, and how it could influence the fleet industry down the road.

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Managing a small fleet can be a breeze, regardless of what kinds of management systems you’re using. However, your perfect management system, style, and tools might not work as well once your fleet starts growing. Success and growth is a good thing for your fleet—but if you’re not ready to handle more data, more fleet vehicles, more employees, and more problems, you might struggle to perform your managerial duties at a high level.

In this blog, the fleet management software team at Skypatrol will give you a few tools that can help you be a better fleet manager, no matter how large (or small) your fleet might be. Incorporate some of these fleet management tools into your arsenal to become more organized, efficient, and productive!

image of limo driver

Sometimes, a job title doesn’t quite explain exactly what a job is all about—and this is definitely true when it comes to fleet managers. There are so many skill sets that fleet managers must have to be successful. In this blog, the fleet management software experts at Skypatrol will take a look at all of the jobs that are required within the job title of fleet manager—and it should be no surprise that these managers have a lot to juggle on a day-to-day basis!

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In the previous blog post, the fleet management software experts at Skypatrol discussed the many jobs of a fleet manager. We’ll continue with that topic today, with even more jobs that fleet management experts are required to perform on a daily basis.

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Fleet managers work tirelessly to help their businesses grow and make sure their drivers are performing at their best and safest--and since the fleet industry has been growing at a rapid rate since 2010, it appears their hard work is paying off.

However, fleet managers still have quite a bit to gripe about. In this blog, the fleet management software professionals at Skypatrol will discuss some of the problems fleet managers face when it comes to their fleet management software systems. Fleet managers drive the industry forward--with their insights, fleet management software companies can work to better assist their customers and make better products in the future.

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Your fleet drivers are at a higher risk of being in an auto accident, and those accidents are more likely to cost more than the average accident. The increased risk comes from the fact that your fleet drivers are simply on the road more than the average driver; about twice as much, actually, which most fleet drivers clocking an average of 25,000 miles per year. Not only is the frequency of the accident higher, the cost of the accidents seems to be higher as well. The average non-fatal accident within your fleet will cost you, on the lower end of the scale, around $20,000 and as much as $75,000. A fatal accident can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. In total, businesses are losing billions of dollars every year to vehicle crashes.

But why are vehicle accidents so expenses to companies? What are all the associated costs of an accident within your fleet? Let's break it down.

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Many users think that GPS-enabled technology is a great way to track the location of their vehicles and that's about it. While this is an extremely useful feature of many fleet management software programs, it certainly isn't the only advantage. It is, in fact, just scratching the surface of what you can do. When you really start to dig into the power of GPS-enabled technology with your fleet, it's pretty amazing what can be done. One powerful feature of fleet management software such as Fleet Command is geofencing; it's also one of the features that are most often underutilized. This technology offers a number of advantages that can help you improve safety, reduce costs, and increase productivity throughout your fleet. For those reasons, it's a technology that is worth learning about and understanding how to integrate it into your system. Once you do, you'll wonder how you ever managed your fleet without it.

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The end of the year is almost here. and by now you should have a pretty solid plan for how your business is going to operate and grow in 2018. When you are making those plans, though, it's important to know what changes and trends are coming to fleet management in the next year. This can help you make proactive strategies that incorporate new techniques and technologies that can help you grow smarter and faster and see bigger profits. Knowing what's coming could help you stay ahead of the curve and keep an edge over your competition.

So do you know what trends are coming in 2018? Here are some of the big ones that we see on the horizon. Check them out and let us know if they are the same things you see coming in 2018.

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A lot of the challenges that fleet managers face are the same challenges that managers of others businesses face. Almost all challenges in a business boil down to one of two things: reducing costs or increasing profits. While the challenges may sound familiar no matter what industry you are in, though, the solutions to the challenges below are unique to fleet management. Let's take a look at some of the biggest hurdles that fleet managers are facing and some of the ways they may be able to overcome them.

image of a fleet of semi trucks

The best fleets in the business are the ones that are the most effectively managed—which is why a great fleet manager is worth his weight in gold. But what makes a great fleet manager great? Ultimately, it’s a solid fleet management strategy that drives a fleet business, and helps them find short-term and long-term success.

In this blog, the fleet management software team at Skypatrol will give you tips for creating a solid fleet management strategy. With some hard work and the right plan, you’ll see fleet growth, increased profits, and a happier, more productive team!


If you’re a fleet driver spending a lot of long hours on the road in your big rig, safety is your number one priority. There are so many different obstacles that the road and the world can throw in front of you to compromise your well-being—that’s why it’s important to be aware of common safety problems on the road so you can have a smooth ride.

In this blog, the fleet management software experts at Skypatrol will give you some tips for staying safe in your fleet truck while you’re on the road. With the right mindset and knowledge of the best safety practices, you’ll have a much better time during your travels!

image of a person driving a semi

With so many businesses hyperfocused on maximizing profit margins and business efficiency, it’s no surprise that employee safety becomes more of an afterthought on a day-to-day basis. While office employees might not to too concerned with their safety, drivers in commercial fleets put themselves at risk every single time they get behind the wheel.

So how do fleets keep their employees safe while growing their businesses? In this blog, the fleet management software experts at Skypatrol will break down the keys to fleet driver safety. With the right mindset and a little help from innovative technology, drivers can be safer than ever before while still helping their businesses succeed!


One of the biggest challenges in the fleet industry today is improving driver safety and behavior on the road—it only takes a split second for an accident to happen that can endanger the fleet driver, other drivers, and even the perception of the fleet business as a whole. Even if there is no accident, erratic driving habits can put many people at risk, and lead to a poor public perception of your fleet business over time. Finding ways to promote good driving behaviors can help to solve some of these issues and keep your business on track—but how do fleet managers monitor driver behaviors when drivers are on the road and they’re stuck in the office?

While GPS tracking solutions and fleet management software have been popular choices for monitoring driving behavior, it doesn’t come close to rivaling the power (and truth) of in-vehicle camera systems. These cameras keep an eye on drivers throughout their workday, ensuring they make good decisions behind the wheel and improving their driving habits over time. However, you won’t be surprise to hear that not all drivers and...


If you’re a fleet driver spending a lot of long hours on the road in your big rig, safety is your number one priority. There are so many different obstacles that the road and the world can throw in front of you to compromise your well-being—that’s why it’s important to be aware of common safety problems on the road so you can have a smooth ride.

In this blog, the fleet management software experts at Skypatrol will give you some tips for staying safe in your fleet truck while you’re on the road. With the right mindset and knowledge of the best safety practices, you’ll have a much better time during your travels!

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According to CNN Money, delinquency of subprime car loans is at 5 percent—the highest level since 1996. And with over $1 trillion in auto loan debt across the country, it’s becoming more and more difficult for auto lenders to collect on that debt.

In this blog, the buy here pay here software experts at Skypatrol will discuss what BHPH lenders need to be successful in such a tough industry, and how Skypatrol’s Defender technology makes BHPH debt collection easier and more efficient, and allows BHPH dealers and lenders to keep data secure and organized for improved profits and business growth.

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Buy-here-pay-here (BHPH) dealerships and subprime auto loans are becoming a popular option for consumers across the country. But with an increase in loans for those with subprime credit (FICO below 600), there’s an increase in late payments and defaults.

In this blog, the buy here pay here software software experts at Skypatrol will break down the statistics behind subprime auto lending, the reasons for an increase in delinquency, and ways dealers and lenders alike can improve payment rates and lower the likelihood of repossession or financial losses.

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With over 15 percent of vehicle purchases coming from BHPH lots, and more people opening BHPH businesses than ever before, the time is now to enter the BHPH industry. However, selling cars is no cakewalk—there are plenty of mistakes to be made when entering such a competitive and highly complex field.

In this blog, Skypatrol will outline some of the biggest mistakes BHPH businesses can make—some of which can tank BHPH businesses completely. Avoid these mistakes, and you have a better chance for profit, growth, and success.

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Everything is “connected” these days—our smartphones connect to our PCs, our PCs connect to cloud-based servers, and those cloud-based servers connect right back to our smartphones. What’s next?

It’s the automobile. While connected cars have existed in rudimentary forms since the 1990s, they’ve recently become the trendiest device to connect and extract information from in order to achieve personal and professional gain.

In this blog, Skypatrol will break down the world of connected cars, and how they “connect” to the GPS industry.

image of a front end of a car

Work smarter, not harder. This is the philosophy that drives Skypatrol and all of its GPS tracking solutions and vehicle financing products. By using top-of-the-line technology, advanced GPS software, and a Verizon-powered connection, Skypatrol helps you monitor, protect, and optimize your assets.

In this blog, Skypatrol will give you a look into Fleet Command, our one-of-a-kind GPS solution for small and medium-sized fleets. With Fleet Command, your commercial fleet can work smarter in order to increase efficiency, promote safety, and of course, save money.

image of vehicles in a parking lot

Skypatrol is passionate about delivering the best BHPH software tools to run an efficient and stable car lot business. But what does it really take to run a successful BHPH business, besides our industry-leading BHPH solutions? BHPH accounts for nearly 17 percent of all used car sales in the US, and nearly 10 percent of all vehicles in general—so having the right tools and strategies for business prosperity is important in this saturated industry.

In this blog, we’ll discuss five things that all successful BHPH lots need to grow their business and sustain success.

image of cars in a parking lot

Running a rental car company isn’t easy. Vehicles need constant maintenance, finances need constant monitoring, and renters add an element of unpredictability to the mix. No wonder so many rental car companies have troubled reputations and miserable profit margins—it’s not easy organizing and managing everything that goes into running an efficient rental fleet.

That’s where Skypatrol can help. Using powerful GPS technology and cutting-edge software, Skypatrol delivers simple rental management solutions that can increase profit margins, improve business and fleet efficiency, and help recover lost or stolen vehicles. In this blog, we’ll dive into some of the ways that Skypatrol can improve the overall function of your fleet.

image of cars on the road

Can you imagine trying to navigate today’s world without a vehicle? Unless you live in a highly dense urban area, having a car is necessary to accomplish the simplest tasks like going to the grocery store, travelling to weddings or other personal happenings, and most important, having access to economic opportunities. Unfortunately, some people do not have access to auto loans because of their poor credit or tough circumstances, which can make owning an automobile seem out of reach.

Fortunately, BHPH dealers and subprime auto loans can be incredibly useful for these consumers, helping them gain access to reasonable auto loans and vehicles that can open up a number of professional and personal opportunities. In this blog, Skypatrol will outline how BHPH businesses help consumers, and how increased efficiency and security can make your BHPH business stand out in the competitive BHPH landscape.


Fleet management software has been an industry staple for years, helping fleets save time and money, and understand their drivers and vehicles better than ever before. But this software is still half-baked—there are plenty of improvements that can be made to better suit fleet businesses.

That’s what Skypatrol will discuss here—ways that fleet management software is making great strides. Simple technical changes, ideological advancements, and more stable and functional technology will make for an overall better product for fleet businesses—allowing for both fleets and businesses, like Skypatrol, to grow in tandem.

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Fleet managers, more than most, understand how GPS vehicle tracking keeps fleet businesses alive. All it takes is some inexpensive technology and a few space satellites to help fleet companies recover stolen vehicles, monitor vehicle diagnostics, improve vehicle efficiency, and reduce delivery times.

But how did all of this begin? How did fleet companies begin to take advantage of revolutionary GPS technology?

In this blog, the fleet management experts at Skypatrol will answer these questions and more, giving you a thorough history of the GPS and how it eventually became a staple of the fleet management industry.

image of red fleet vans

In our previous blog, Skypatrol covered how fleet businesses can improve and grow with simple changes to their processes and mindset. We’ll cover the same topic here, giving you even more ways to improve your fleet business.

images of cars parked

If you’re running a car dealership or looking to start one in the future, profit margins are (and will always be) on your mind. There’s a lot of funding needed (and a lot of financial risk taken) when working in car sales industry—so if you’re not seeing healthy profits, there could be heavy consequences for your business and your finances.

In this blog, Skypatrol will give you a few tips for increasing dealership profits, so you can continue your car sales success, or get started on the right foot when your business opens its doors.

image of a police car

GPS has a lot of benefits for the average consumer, as well as car dealerships and commercial fleets. But many people don’t realize that GPS systems can be a great asset to law enforcement professionals in order to solve crimes and improve the efficiency of their work. Here are a few ways that law enforcement agencies can benefit from GPS tracking and fleet management systems.

image of a person stealing a car

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), car theft in the United States has been rising at a rate of 4 percent of over the past five years, with a reported 707,758 vehicles stolen in 2015 alone. Unfortunately, many of these car thefts occur on the lots of auto dealerships. It can be hard for dealerships to notice if one of many cars are stolen from their lot — a family with a single vehicle will certainly notice if their only method of transportation goes missing.

In this blog, Skypatrol will give auto dealers a few tips for keeping their vehicles safe and secure on their lots, helping them increase profits and avoid devastating financial losses. Since 2002, we have been providing fleet management teams a variety of GPS tracking solutions, including several car GPS tracking devices that can help fight against theft and improve business' bottom line.


When you have a large fleet of vehicles, something’s going to break at some point. The more vehicles you have in your fleet, the more problems you’ll have—and that can leave you with costly repairs and decreased fleet productivity.

But negative effects aren’t just felt when multiple cars break down—even a single car breaking down can cause a ripple effect for your business operations.

In this blog, the fleet management software experts at Skypatrol will help you understand how a single breakdown can hurt a fleet business. All it takes is a blown tire or transmission issue to throw your business off schedule and slice your profits.

fleet of vans

Here in the Skypatrol blog, we’ve talked ad nauseum about how fleet companies can improve their efficiency, increase profits, and keep drivers safe and productive. So why not talk about it some more?

In this blog, we’ll touch on sneaky ways fleet companies can sabotage themselves, how customer relations factors into fleet effectiveness and business profits, and why aiming for safety and productivity for fleet drivers in a tough task. All it takes are a few simple solutions and the right mindset to improve your fleet business today and in the future!

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As human beings, we all know that our lives are finite, and that all of us will reach an end point. Most of us think we’ll pass away in bed, surrounded peacefully by loved ones. But according to an unnervingly comprehensive study by the National Safety Council, we have a 1 in 1,183 chance of dying by accidental drowning, a 1 in 9,737 chance of dying in an air or space transport incident, and a 1 in 174,426 chance of dying due to a lightning strike. There are lots of ways for us to be killed, but believe it or not, GPS tracking solutions can make us safer.

image of GPS on a phone

For a lot of Americans in the early years of the 21st century, the world can seem safer than it actually is. A certain degree of risk exists, not just when we go out into the larger world, but even in the relative safety of our own homes. That’s the bad news, but there is good news, and that’s the fact that GPS and other tracking solutions can save your life. Literally.

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Hay miles de vehículos viajando en nuestras rutas cada día. Aparte de ellos hay varios tipos de ambulancias respondiendo a cientos de miles de llamadas.

En el conductor de Ambulancia recae una tremenda responsabilidad. Las ambulancias están diseñados para llevar con seguridad el personal y el equipamiento a la escena de una emergencia y para transportar la preciosa carga humana necesitada de cuidado médico a un centro asistencial.

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Not long ago, Jeffrey N. Shane, the former Under Secretary for Policy at the U.S. Department of Transportation, was quoted as saying, “The promise of GPS technology for increasing safety and security, reducing congestion, and improving efficiency is limitless. Quite simply, GPS has become the enabling technology for transportation.” For anyone involved in fleet management services, this comes as absolutely no surprise.

image of an elderly woman walking

When people think of global positioning technology, they often associate it with a car GPS tracking device. But there are many other applications for this kind of tech, and one of them involves the safety of elderly people afflicted with dementia.

Approximately 5.4 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Of those, 5.2 million are aged 65 years and older. When this disease afflicts them, it can start creating cognitive impairment. People can start to forget memories from their past, how to live independently, and fail to recognize loved ones. Making matters worse, the disease can cause patients to wander, and they can become disoriented and get lost very easily.

image of a semi truck on the road with GPS

These days, distracted driving is a serious problem for American motorists. According to a study performed in 2013, there were 3,154 vehicular fatalities caused by a distracted driver, and approximately 424,000 people were injured. As more people utilize smartphones and GPS, those numbers are just going up. But if your company uses fleet GPS, that can put you in a somewhat tricky position. You need to maximize both the efficiency of your company and the safety of your people.

image of a fleet of semi trucks

When it comes to GPS tracking solutions, we wonder how we ever lived without it. It’s truly one of those technologies that profoundly transformed the world and how we relate to it. Just think to how it was done back in the old days. Fleet managers gave their drivers a paper map and a handful of coins in order to call the office from a payphone. Making a change in the schedule, in real time, was incredibly difficult, and work orders were physical hard copies that needed to be looked after.

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Well, not exactly. Like any other product, not all GPS companies are created equal. You’ll definitely want to do your homework and make sure to partner up with a company that’s reputable, and that offers quality products and services. More importantly, there are a number of different kinds of GPS systems, and you want to make sure that you pick the one that’s right for your specific needs. Read on for a few questions to ask when searching for the right GPS system.

  • First, what exactly are you trying to keep track of? For vehicles and equipment, GPS systems can get a little bigger, more powerful, and include more industry specific features. Some companies, like Sky Patrol, mostly focus on tracking solutions for businesses. However, if you’re looking after a person, you’ll want a GPS system that’s lightweight and convenient, and a company that has more of a focus on individual location.
  • Next, let’s talk about how your GPS is powered. Some professional GPS systems are powered by the vehicle itself. It can be installed under the dashboard of your vehicle, which puts...
image of a fleet of busses

Here at Skypatrol, we are somewhat obsessed with GPS systems. Okay, maybe obsessed is a bit of a heavy term; however, we can definitely say that we are highly enthusiastic about GPS systems. The Global Positioning System has revolutionized so many areas of our lives that, occasionally, it’s hard for most people to remember what it was like before you could whip out your smartphone and know exactly where you are at any given time. GPS has helped the shipping and transportation industry achieve levels of optimization and productivity that were once considered fanciful dreams. In today’s post, however, we’re going to focus on any area that GPS systems have had an effect on that most people don’t normally think about: school busses.

image of a woman in a car

Nobody ever said being a parent was easy. Among other things, it requires a somewhat tricky balancing act between keeping your kids safe and providing them enough freedom in order to grow and learn. We get it. None of us want to be annoying helicopter parents, but we want to be able to check in from time to time and make sure our kids are where they’re supposed to be. That’s why we turned to technology to help, specifically by using the car GPS tracking device.

Maybe you feel a little weird about using GPS on your kid’s car. You don’t want to be a nag, you just want a little bit of peace of mind to make sure everything is okay. Again, we get it, and we’re right there with you. Read on for a few reasons why we like using family GPS, and why we think you will too.

  • The biggest and most obvious benefit is knowing where your kids are at any given moment and not having to worry. The last thing you want is to be the parent that calls constantly “just to check in,” and drives your teen insane. Instead of interrupting their time with friends, you can discreetly check...
image of a fleet of vans

If you’re in charge of a fleet that’s private or public, there’s one lesson that you’ve undoubtedly learned. You need to be able to do more with less. You need to effectively handle fleet tracking, while dealing with budget cuts, potential hiring freezes, and managing the stress levels of both employees and customers. Sounds nearly impossible, right? Not when it comes to GPS tracking solutions.

As a matter of fact, you’ve got the ability to boost the productivity of your fleet, and it’s all at your fingertips. By using the GPS tracking in creative ways, your fleet can be better than ever. Read on for a few useful tips we’d like to share in order to help your fleet reach its maximum potential.

  • Your fleet exists in a fluid professional environment. During any given day, appointments might change, employees might call out sick, which means work needs to be shuffled around. Fast. Back in the day, this was done with frantic phone calls and keeping track of physical work orders. Now, the GPS systems within every vehicle let you know where everyone starts their day, and...
image of a man unlocking a care with a key fob

Running a rental car company isn’t easy. Vehicles need constant maintenance, finances need constant monitoring, and renters add an element of unpredictability to the mix. No wonder so many rental car companies have troubled reputations and miserable profit margins—it’s not easy organizing and managing everything that goes into running an efficient rental fleet.

That’s where Skypatrol can help. Using powerful GPS technology, fleet management services, and cutting-edge software, Skypatrol delivers simple rental management solutions that can increase profit margins, improve business and fleet efficiency, and help recover lost or stolen vehicles. In this blog, we’ll dive into some of the ways that Skypatrol can improve the overall function of your fleet.

image of cars in a parking lot

Skypatrol is a world leader in GPS solutions that keep people and property safe and help businesses grow—that’s been our passion as a company since day one. That passion has been a huge asset to fleet managers of all kinds, allowing them to run their businesses with unrivaled efficiency and unmatched security. In this blog, we’ll explain how fleet managers of rental car businesses, commercial fleets, and car sales lots can benefit from Skypatrol GPS fleet management services.

image of a fleet of police cars

GPS has a lot of benefits for the average consumer, as well as car dealerships and commercial fleets. But many people don’t realize that GPS systems can be a great asset to law enforcement professionals in order to solve crimes and improve the efficiency of their work. Here are a few ways that law enforcement agencies can benefit from GPS tracking and fleet management systems.

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At Skypatrol, we understand the importance of premier-quality, long-lasting, and highly accurate GPS systems, and the benefits they can bring to your family or your business. That’s why we’re in the business: to provide our customers with great GPS tracking solutions that help you locate what’s most important to you.

But how does GPS really work? As GPS experts, we’ll break down the basic operations, history, and common uses of GPS for your better understanding.

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At Skypatrol, we’re dedicated to providing industry-leading GPS solutions for consumers and businesses, and we’re passionate about providing you with the info and insights you need to keep your businesses and homes running safely and smoothly.

That’s why we created the Sky Patrol Blog! This is a forum dedicated to answering all of your questions about GPS tracking hardware and how it can help improve the safety, stability, and financial standing of your business and its mobile assets. We’ll start our blog with some of the simplest, most effective uses for our GPS tracking products.

image of semi trucks in a lot

There’s a single reason we’re involved in the fleet management services industry. Simply put, it works. The math adds up.What we do, and what we’ve learned from others, enables companies to do business faster, more efficiently, and more safely. That’s why we’re excited and proud to be on the vanguard of an emerging technology with GPS. It’s relatively new, having been launched in 1973 and entered commercial usage in the 1980’s. But as much as GPS is in its infancy, it’s changed the world very quickly.

Obviously, we’re happy about the tech and its applications for fleet management. But from time to time, we’ve encountered myths that don’t accurately tell the whole story. We get it, some people aren’t crazy about technology, while others are even less crazy about the breakneck speed in which our world is changing. That’s why we’re going to talk about the 5 most common misconceptions we hear about GPS tech and fleet management, and hopefully debunk them a little.

  1. First, some clients resist using fleet management systems because new tech is perceived to be too...
image of taxi cabs in a city

There are a number of reasons why we’re happy to be in the fleet management services industry. One of them is the satisfaction of getting busy professionals where they need to be. The other is avoiding traffic jams. We suspect we’re not alone, but one of the worst things to be created in the 20th century is the traffic jam. There’s something immensely satisfying about altering your GPS route at just the right moment, and sailing past a traffic situation where forward momentum has completely stopped.

But here’s the thing...what if something goes wrong with your GPS? What if you forget it? It can be dangerous to rely on technology too much without a backup plan, otherwise you’ll have serious problems. We know you’ve got better things to do than sit in traffic, which is why we’d like to share a few tips to keep in mind. Read on and learn how to avoid the nightmare of gridlock.

  • It’s true in so many aspects of life that timing is everything. Barring an accident, most traffic jams happen at particular times of day, and it shouldn’t be tough to find out what...

We think there’s a reason cars have proven to be more popular in America instead of virtually anywhere else. They represent freedom. Freedom of movement, freedom of intention. Even if there are things you have to do, such as work or running errands, your car is like a little home away from home. Heck, if you get lost, you just turn on whatever GPS tracking solutions you like, and you’re back on your way before you know it.

But like all other forms of freedom, there’s a cost. In this case, it’s the hard fact that gas can be expensive, and right now the price is shifting upwards. We know, we’re not thrilled about it either. But necessity truly is the mother of invention. Over the last few days, we’ve been sharing some helpful suggestions to help you save money with gas consumption. Keep reading for our final series of tips to help keep things reasonable at the pump.

  • This tip won’t apply to you if you drive an automatic, but for those of you with a standard transmission, listen up. Remember that your lower gears have more power, are used for acceleration, and use...
image of gas pumps

America was built upon the wheels of cars. For decades, our country grew, but things really took off with the creation and mass production of Henry Ford’s iconic Model-T. Now, we can go faster, and travel further. We have more accessories than ever, like the car GPS tracking device, crystal clear quality speakers, cup holders, for heaven’s sake.

That’s all wonderful, and we love our cars, but here’s an unpleasant truth at the heart of it all. Without gas, we’re not going anywhere, and gas prices have a nasty habit of going up frequently. If you’re independently wealthy, that doesn’t matter too much, but most of us aren’t rich. But before you sink into despair, keep reading. We put together a listing recently of useful tips to help you save a few bucks on gas. Now, we’d like to share more of our fuel saving tips.

  • Suppose you go to the grocery store Monday, get your haircut Tuesday, and get the oil change done Wednesday? Well, you’re wasting money due to fuel inefficiency. Every time you turn your car ignition on, it takes a little time to warm up before...

When it comes to our cars, there are some expenses we’re happy to pay. A quality car GPS tracking device is an investment worth making, since it gets you where you’re going. While that’s a fee most people are happy to pay, most of us aren’t wild about the ever rising costs of fuel. Just consider that, around this time last year, the national average for a gallon of gas was $1.69. That’s not bad, right? But now, the national average for the same gallon of gasoline is $2.27.

On the one hand, it might not seem like much, considering the cost went up by less than a dollar. On the other hand, those costs add up, and it can be painful for those of us who don’t have salaries rising at an equal rate. Don’t worry, because you’re not necessarily stuck with it. Keep reading, and we’ll share a few helpful and easy tips to help you pinch some pennies when it comes to gas expenses.

  • When is the last time you checked your tire pressure? Remember that under-inflated tires don’t just make for a more dangerous drive due to more wear on the tires and reduced handling. They also...
image of GPS on a computer

If you’re in charge of a fleet that’s private or public, there’s one lesson that you’ve undoubtedly learned. You need to be able to do more with less. You need to effectively handle fleet tracking, while dealing with budget cuts, potential hiring freezes, and managing the stress levels of both employees and customers. Sounds nearly impossible, right? Not when it comes to GPS tracking solutions and hardware.

As a matter of fact, you’ve got the ability to boost the productivity of your fleet, and it’s all at your fingertips. By using GPS tracking hardware in creative ways, your fleet can be better than ever. Read on for a few useful tips we’d like to share in order to help your fleet reach its maximum potential.

Skypatrol provides high-quality tracking devices that can be used across industries, from law enforcement to delivery services. We strive to provide exceptional service while also helping businesses save money. If you have any questions about the products we offer, don't hesitate to reach out to us today.

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In the world of business, we’re going through a very interesting transition. 50 years ago, you could go to work for a company and, you had to be competent. The thing is, you could go decades without the business changing too much. That meant many employees wouldn’t need to learn too many new skills. But in the last few decades, there has been a giant leap forward not just in the technology used by businesses, but in the need for employees to adjust to a changing environment. In the world of fleet management services, Skypatrol is part of that change, but we want the change to be positive.

However, we know that change can sometimes be partnered with uncertainty. Most people have an understanding of GPS devices, but there can be a degree of uncertainty when it comes to introducing new technology into the inner workings of a company. It’s completely understandable, which is why a smart fleet management team embraces the change with positivity. Yesterday, we shared a few tips for helping your employees smoothly transition into utilizing GPS tracking devices with the fleet, and...

image of people in a meeting

The only constant in life is change. We all know that, and one of the biggest drivers of change these days is advances in technology. Henry Ford’s creation of an assembly line for cars was a giant step forward in terms of industrial manufacturing. The internet began as a military application, but once it was released into the public sphere, it changed the professional landscape. GPS tracking solutions are no different.

That being said, if you’re considering deploying a fleet that’s GPS based, some of your employees might be less than impressed. They could view it as a “Big Brother” intrusion, or they might feel that you’re implying they are less than trustworthy. An effective manager never rams change down the throats of his staff. Instead, we’re going to share a few helpful tips you can use to get your people on board and excited for the change.


Many mobile carriers are changing their spectrum allocations and this will have a noticeable effect on 2G networks. The growth and evolution of wireless services, along with the demand for faster and broader coverage, means that older networks need to be shut down so there is spectrum available for the new 4G/LTE systems. While some carriers are doing a complete shut down on a fixed date, others may take a phased approach. T-Mobile has publicly announced that they will continue 2G service well beyond AT&T’s sunset date of January 1, 2017.

At Skypatrol, we know that these changes will degrade the performance you are accustomed to so we have already discontinued sales of 2G devices in the US. Further, we are now restricting renewal options for AT&T service to not exceed December 31, 2016. Skypatrol feels strongly that your best option at this time is to migrate to CDMA technology. Skypatrol’s CDMA products work exclusively on the highly regarded and reliable Verizon network. Verizon has agreed that the CDMA network will be operational for Skypatrol until at...

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Borrowers Will Now Be Able to Pay Loans Remotely Using Either Online Banking or with Cash at Local Convenience Stores

Skypatrol, a leader in GPS Tracking Solutions, is pleased to announce Remote Auto Payment for vehicle finance companies and BHPH dealers through Skypatrol’s mobile app. Borrowers will now be able to pay loans remotely using either online banking or with cash at local authorized retail stores. Skypatrol has created another way to increase the value of their award winning Defender software platform by offering tools to improve the profitability of their customers.

Now, with Skypatrol’s Remote Auto Payment feature, borrowers in the U.S. can take cash payments to a neighborhood 7-Eleven®, ACE Cash Express® or other authorized retail stores where the clerk will accept the cash and initiate a virtually instant payment transfer. ACE is the largest owner and operator of check cashing stores in the United States and 7‑Eleven, Inc. is the largest chain in the convenience retailing industry with over 57,000 locations globally. To make a...
